Monday, March 28, 2016

Accounting 11 Career Report

Overview: you are going to write a one page report on an accounting career.
Please follow the steps listed below.
1.      Job Posting: find a job posting for an accounting related job in Canada. You can
look on the Internet or in a newspaper. It should be a job you are interested in, but
you do not need to be qualified for it. Some job examples are:
bookkeeper, auditor, financial analyst, etc.
For other job ideas, look in your textbook at the end of each chapter under "Careers"
Attach a copy of the job posting to your final report. (note the source and date)
 Your report will be one page, word-processed with the following parts:
2.       Summary: summarize the important information from the job posting. Please
include at least the following points in an organized way. (You may have more):
Job title, salary, qualifications, name of company, location, work duties, and any
other relevant information
3.      Research: two parts
a)      If your job posting is missing any of the above summary points, do research to
find out the information.
b)      Qualifications: this part should be written in your own words; do not plagiarize
from the Internet or other sources.
                i.      Where can you get the necessary qualifications?
               ii.       How long will it take?
              iii.      What type of work does it involve?
              iv.      Any other relevant information
4.      Sources: list all your sources, following the examples on reverse.
Your sources might include Internet web sites, college calendars or books.
5. What you will hand in:
a)      One page word-processed report
b)      Your sources may be listed on an additional page
c)      A copy of your job posting with the source and date written on it.

a)      World Wide Web Pages with Author
Author's name. (Date of publication or last update). Title of document. Title of Complete
Work (if known). Date of retrieval. URL.

Gunn, Holly. (June 2002). Effective Internet searches. Information Technology in
Education. Dec. 5, 2003.

b)     World Wide Web Pages without Author
Title of document. (Date). Title of Complete Work (if known). Date of retrieval. URL.

A Statement on plagiarism. (n.d.). Capital Community College. February 10, 2004.
Summary:  Your citation for a web page should include these important elements:
Author, if given                                                               
Title of work
Group responsible for the site, if given.
Date site was last updated                                                          
URL of the site                                                               
Date of access.
2.     Books
a)      Book with a Single Author or Editor
Voelkel, James R. Johannes Kepler and the New Astronomy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. p54.
b)     Book with more than one author or editor
Yolen, Jane, and Bruce Coville. Armageddon Summer. New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1998. pp567-583.
Summary: Your citation for a book should include these important elements:
Author(s) or editor(s).
Title of the book.
Place of publication:
Date of publication.
Page number